Full name: The United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of The People’s Republic of Slowjamastan Founded: September 16th, 2021 Independence: December 1st, 2021 Leader: His Excellency Supreme Sultan Randy “R Dub!” Williams (see Sultan’s bio HERE.) Capital: Dublândia Demonym: Slowjamastani States: 12 (You can name one HERE!) Political System: Dictatorship (on most days – sometimes The Sultan passes the suggestion box around.) Political Stance (with other nations): Don’t start no sht, won’t be no sht. Official language: English with GFA (General Foreign Accent) Other recognized languages: Portuguese, Spanish National Anthem: “Slowjamastan (I Think It’s Gonna Be an Awesome Place)” Slogan: Libertas. Honor. Respectus. (Freedom, Honor, Respect) Time zone: SST (Slowjamastan Standard Time) Currency: The Duble (rhymes with Ruble). See our money HERE. National animal: Raccoon (ringtail) National (preferred) music genres: Slow Jams (duh), Bossa Nova, 90s Hip-Hop Recognized by: The Sultan’s mom. Laws: NO CROCS! And a few other ones. See them HERE. But I want to know more: GO HERE for FAQs and a full history!