The Infinity Puzzle ™ is a new type of jigsaw puzzle inspired by topological spaces that continuously tile. Because of that, they have no fixed shape, no starting point, and no edges. They can be assembled in thousands of different ways.

The Infinity Puzzle ™ is a natural wood puzzle that tiles in the plane. This means that any piece on the bottom can be moved to the top and a piece on the right can be moved to the left. Multiple copies of the puzzle can be combined in different colors to create abstract patterns and shapes. Topologically, we can say this is equivalent to a torus, which can be described by its fundamental polygon showing how edges of a square map to each other to make a closed shape. We create the tiling piece shapes by modifying our simulation to wrap like a torus. It was first created for the 2016 Puzzle Parley.

This puzzle is extra challenging as it has no image or defined shape to guide assembly. Multiple infinity puzzles can be combined to create a larger continuous puzzle. The image above shows some of the creative combinations possible with two infinity puzzles of different colors